My first Hub!

I now have my first Hub! Woo Hoo!!

I know, what's a hub, right? And why are you so excited? Well, a Hub is an article written and published on Hubpages. Hubpages is a website devoted to content writers who write about anything and everything. It allows those of us who are aspiring writers to get published and read.

So, I'm published - kinda, sorta. Even though this is exciting, I do have to say that anybody can write on Hubpages. All you have to do is sign up and start writing. With that in mind, it doesn't necessarily mean everybody who writes on Hubpages is a good writer. However, to be a good writer you have to get people to read what you write and want to come back for more. (I'll update on this as it happens).

I'll be even more excited when the article I submitted to Associated Content is accepted and published. That means it was at least decent.

For now, check our my article on VERY Last Minute Gift Ideas over on my Hub.
